I had the best day yesterday: Luke and I were fortunate enough to attend the Little Oak Animal Sanctuary Open Day, and it was one of the loveliest ways to spend a Sunday afternoon that I can think of.
I can't wait to marry this man |
The sanctuary is about an hour out of Canberra, and plays home to a variety of rescued farm animals including sheep (and lambs!), chickens, roosters, turkeys, horses, ducks, and pigs. It was the first time ever that the farm was open to members of the public, and Luke and I were the first ones to arrive- very cool.
Luke (foreground), Percy and Clancy |
Clancy kept playing hard to get |
After everyone had arrived and mingled, a tour around the farm commenced. Kate (our guide, and human resident at Little Oak) explained the animals' stories, and a bit of information about the consequences of the factory farming industry for the animals. It was heartbreaking, especially when you think about how many animals don't end up with a happy ending like the ones at Little Oak. The farm was amazing and the animals seemed very happy and confident- the hens decided that they were part of the tour group, and followed us everywhere.
A mama sheep and her little lamb |
Thanks for carrying my bag Luke |
The saddest stories I think were those of the ex-battery hens; the sanctuary housed thirty hens, most of which were in an extremely sad and sorry state. They were missing most of their feathers due to the cramped conditions that they endured in their past lives, and many had severe respiratory issues also as a result of their confinement. Amazingly, they were cheeky, curious, and had no qualms about approaching us (very closely!) to peck at our buttons/shoes/legs, or just generally be close to us.
Extremely inquisitive |
After the tour, we headed up near the house to enjoy a lunch of vegan schnitzel burgers and sausages with salad, followed by vegan cupcakes for dessert. I was particularly excited about the food as I knew it was from Veganarchy, an amazing vegan caterer who creates the best vegan baked goods you've ever had. She could convert the most devout carnivore, I'm sure. I wolfed down two cupcakes on the day (a Snickers and a Lemon Cream Cheese), Luke also enjoyed two (a Banana Chocolate and an Apple), and we took three home with us as there were leftovers. Sadly, one got dropped and rolled several times in the gravel. Luke was devastated.
Looking very content |
This pig (Dr Seuss) is only eighteen months old and as big as me! |
He splashed me with mud when he rolled over |
The day was wonderful. I got to spend it with my love, it was sunny, the animals were gorgeous and funny, I got to give my summer denim overalls their virgin outing, there were cupcakes, and it made me feel very proud to be vegan. Everyone should go vegan! Then all the animals would be safe and free to live long, happy lives.
Resting after a big day of strange visitors |
This little sheep was found wandering the streets after a storm |
A big thank you to the animal residents at Little Oak for allowing us to check them out, and of course to the human residents for having us, showing us around, feeding us such an amazing vegan lunch, and creating such a great environment for these lost or abused animals that wouldn't have anywhere safe to go otherwise.
It was so good. I like that I am in the background of your pic. Such a wonderful place full of compassion.
ReplyDeleteI also connected with the hens. I cried when I sat in there enclosure they are so damaged but you can see there personality shining through.