Monday, September 22, 2014

still unemployed!

Well, I am still unemployed and searching for my new career. Job hunting is HARD, yo. I am thinking of starting up my own dog grooming business, but I will need a reliable car with a tow bar for the dog wash. I am still at a bit of a loss as to what I want to do, but I am toying with a few ideas.

I am still eating vegetarian, not vegan; just cracked an organic free-range egg into my banana smoothie and am calling it dinner. I have still been steadily gaining weight instead of maintaining, so I am really trying not to freak out. Self-acceptance is a difficult concept to master, especially coming from Eating Disorder Land. I guess I just have to trust my body to do what it needs to do to be healthy.

I just got back from a weekend at the coast with my friend Skye. We walked along the beach dodging the bluebottles with their super-long stingers, worked on the farm doing jobs like weeding, planting seeds and chopping wood, and I went to her friend's housewarming party in an old cheese factory where we let our hair down in a pretty major way. I also got to have my hand suckled by a group of very excited calves who thought my hand was a cow teat, what a treat! 

So cold and so deep

Make-up free selfies are the best selfies

I am exhausted! I think I will sleep well tonight!

In other news, I got another tattoo: a little ovary (or rather my artist's impression of an ovary, as it was drawn by me) on my left wrist. I hate it when people attribute all sorts of lame meanings to their tattoos but mine is a bit strange-looking so I will explain: to me it signifies being myself, being a woman, celebrating femininity, accepting my new (recovered) curvy shape, new life, and enjoying the ebb and flow of life as a lady.

Madame Ovary
It has been such a weird year and there is still October, November and December to go! I love the festive season and I think it will be a good one this year. I turn twenty-five in January too, and I have to admit I feel a bit weird about that! Jesus, a quarter down already if I live to one hundred.

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