Wednesday, October 9, 2013

detox over

So, after eight days I broke the detox (on purpose) in spectacular fashion with a big pumpkin soup and the most delicious sourdough bread roll ever to exist. Even the thin spread of Nuttelex on top tasted like food from the heavens.

Maybe it was that amazing because I have not eaten a single crumb of bread or flour in over a week, but MY GOD it was good. I didn't even realise my love for bread until I did this detox- it's strange what you miss. I was at a barbeque at Skye's on Sunday and I nearly broke in the face of a giant loaf of sourdough. I was sweating. With Luke and Skye's encouragement I stayed strong, but I advise that if you ever becomes even slightly bored or uninspired with food, do a strict detox. It'll get you inspired again. Trust me.

Me & my detox diary

I got too busy to fill out the rest of the food diary days on here, which I apologise for! Just for reference, I might start putting them on here in case anyone else is interested in doing a similar detox. I have been busy doing assessments for my Naturopathy course, and am still devouring the information like nobody's business.

So now I have a few days of eating my normal clean vegan diet, then I am crazily getting back on the detox train (all aboard!) on Monday to keep a few friends company while they do it. So that will be another week. I got headaches on the first couple of days, which I suspect was caffeine withdrawal, and after that I got flu-like symptoms (stuffy nose, sore throat, fatigue) but now I feel awesome. And a sense of achievement for completing it.

High five, everybody!

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