Thursday, October 31, 2013

quiet day off

I had a much-needed day off today, which I spent in a quiet and low-key manner. I ventured out and purchased a little meditation stool and a pair of short denim overalls (apparently summer is only a month away!), drank a delicious green smoothie that I made and refrigerated yesterday, ate some edamame beans, caught up on some blogs, and had a nap. I feel a little bit unwell, hence the not-very-thrilling schedule.

The green smoothie was ingested before I remembered to photograph it, but I think I have finally stumbled onto a winning formula: 1 pear, 3 big kale leaves, 1 cucumber, 4 strawberries, barley grass powder, spirulina, stevia, water and a tiny splash of coconut milk. It was thick and mildly sweet and very hydrating.

In other news, I have fallen into the comforting but slightly abusive clutches of Too Much Sugar again. As previously mentioned last blog post I made these amazing prune cacao protein balls, and have since been eating about five a day. I just can't keep my mitts off them. On top of that I am still eating regular fruit and eating dates. Whoops. I feel bloated and crappy, which I know is my body's reaction to too much sweet stuff. Naughty naughty.

My new nightly seating arrangement

Okay, so the plan this week:
  • Meditate for minimum of ten minutes a day, preferably before bed
  • Do yoga at least twice in the week
  • Stock up on fresh produce on the market and spend time planning what to do with it
  • Have an Epsom salt bath (perhaps Sunday night)
  • STOP EATING SO MUCH SUGAR, and seriously up the vegetable ante to assist
  • Start studying properly for my exams
  • Have one day in the week where I consume only liquids (probably smoothies, as I don't own a juicer)
I feel a little better now that I have written out some goals for the week. I think that it is important to have ideas for yourself, things that you want to achieve, and as I have been feeling lost and unfit and down on myself lately and I really want to get out of the funk.

Ready for a new week to begin

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