Friday, October 25, 2013

weird couple of days

I have been a total psychopath for the last few days.

Well, I did warn you

I don't know what is going on, but my moods and behaviour have been very unpredictable this past week. Happy one minute, in a soggy mess the next. How embarrassing. Maybe I just have a lot of feelings...? I have also been eating a lot of salad. Perhaps I need to incorporate some more warm, cooked vegetables into my day to calm down my crazy tendencies? The ancient Indian natural way of Ayurveda would recommend it for my dosha type I reckon.  But that's another story entirely.

So what else has been going on? 

Well, I had that amazing massage I mentioned in an earlier post: the hydrotherapy was fun because it was a new experience, but also a bit frightening because I overheated in the pod thing (why no vent to let the steam out?) and I was too shy to say anything so I just kind of boiled like a lobster. A large, pale, frightened lobster in a wet paper g-string. I suppose all the sweating was good because I was in detox week, but I thought I was going to perish in there.

The massage was absolutely lovely, and Luke, beautiful person that he is, had requested ahead of time that they only use natural products on me. The girl used melted coconut oil, yay! I appreciated the lack of artificial fragrances or animal-derived ingredients, not to mention I smelled amazing afterwards too - not to toot my own horn, but I really did. Next door to the massage place is the wonderful Mountain Creek Wholefoods store, where I purchased an Addiction Food brownie and bar (OMFG so good), a vegan pie, some lemon-flavoured kombucha, and some Vegusto "No-Moo" cheese. 

I have also been working a lot and am exhausted as a result, which is why I haven't updated the blog in a few days. I did take some pictures though...enjoy, friends.

I am quite sure this brownie actually has magic powers
Today's lunch
Our creepy dog that looks like a nun

Also, last thing (I promise!). Just a shout out to my girl Melon, who lives in Brisbane and whom I miss dearly since we parted ways. See you around Christmas-time! You're going to look so beautiful at my wedding, too- can't wait!

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