Saturday, October 12, 2013

great day out

I have had the best day today!

I woke up early and went to the market with my Mum for the first time in months, and it was so good to be back. The fresh produce looked amazing (I love spring) and my favourite ancient poodle was there. I always give him a scratch behind the ears when I see him, although he can't see me- he's blind as a bat.

Then Skye picked me up and we went to the Living Green festival. It was a celebration of all things vegan, eco-friendly, yoga and animal welfare. I even ran into my yoga instructor who was teaching a class out in the open air. I ate a lot...and loved every bite.

Tonight I will be cooking to try and make a dent in the mountain of fresh produce in our fridge, and relaxing in front of the television with my fiance and brother-in-law. For dinner I have made cauliflower soup and a raw kale salad with nutritional yeast. Then tomorrow marks the beginning of another week of detox.

I didn't get any pictures of the festival because I was too busy staring at everything (I tripped on the footpath a few times), but I do have pictures of the nori burritos I ate for dinner last night. The recipe is from The Kind Diet (a.k.a, my bible).

Fresh and light


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