Monday, September 2, 2013

a mix of things

My weekend involved a very sick fiance (the flu and pharyngitis!), two market trips (quite the yield of fruit and vegetables), drinking delicious coconut water and eating the meat right out of the coconut, sleeping, reading, planting some baby spinach and silverbeet in my mini vegetable patch, and a very excellent yoga class tonight. I wore my mala, but placed it in front of my mat as I didn't want it hitting me in the face every time I attempted a downward dog.

Also my textbooks finally arrived- I purchased them second hand from a fellow naturopathy student, and I am very glad that they are here- was beginning to sweat that I had been conned, although I didn't really think that anyone would rip me off like that. Dad says I am too trusting.

Feeling chilled after yoga & wearing my lovely mala
Today's lunch

P.S- Just saw a McDonald's advertisement on television getting people to upload the "Big Mac Chant." Vomit. I hate the way big disgusting food corporations are getting on the social media bandwagon to appeal to the younger generation. The number of innocent chickens McDonald's must plough through per day is too much to think about, and all so they can make money and people can stuff fatty, processed, chemical nuggets into their mouths.

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