Saturday, September 14, 2013

brief hiatus over

As some of you may have noticed, I have taken a small hiatus from this blog. I was awfully sick (sore throat, fever, vomiting, the works!) and then my Grandpa passed away, which was very sad, so it has been a fairly crap couple of weeks. But I am back now, so I will be posting way more regularly from now on. 

I have also started up a Svpply page- I hadn't heard of it before either but my rocking sister introduced me to it yesterday and I had a lot of fun. Basically you just post items that you would like to have in your possession, and people can see, and you can see other people's and get ideas. Phew! Poorly explained but if you check it out you'll get the picture soon enough:

I badly miss my Mum, who is over in Victoria helping Grandma handle everything. As I have gotten older and my misguided teenage angst worked itself out, Mum has become my best friend. Thank God I am no longer the depressed, badly dressed, wall-punching girl I used to be! I love you Mum. I hope you're okay.

Tonight I am home, working on my first essay for my Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy. It feels so good to be writing an assignment (I never thought I would utter those words). I know that this is the right path for me.

A tea candle for my oil burner

P.S- Yesterday (September 13th) was my two-month veganniversary! I didn't eat many vegetables while I was sick, but I'm back and planning to hit up the green smoothies with a vengeance.

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