Wednesday, August 7, 2013

breaking out

I am feeling a bit under the weather at the moment; I am fighting a cold (my groggy head feels like it weighs a tonne!) and my skin has uncharacteristically broken out. I am optimistically saying to myself that it's just because I have eliminated animal products and most chemicals from my life, and my skin and body are just going through a bit of an awkward "detox" stage. So, it's a positive thing.Yes?

So even though I feel awful I am soldiering on: eating a crap-load of fruits, vegetables and wholegrains, drinking plenty of water and herbal teas, and staying positive.

This morning I got up, made some Crocodile Crunch for breakfast, had a shower, took Toto out for a walk in the winter sun, came home and did a bit of yoga, and now I am going to do some study before work. I am loving my Naturopathy course so far.

Evidently it was so bright outside my eyes couldn't focus properly

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